
Summary of Accomplishments June 1997 - July 2000

General Advocacy and Collaboration on Coastal Issues


Issued action alerts on HB1182, under which a legislative committee could have overturned regulatory revisions made by the Board of Natural Resources. Sent a letter on behalf of the Center to Governor Barnes urging him to veto this bill after it was passed by the General Assembly. Wrote the Governor a thank-you letter after he vetoed the bill in April.

Savannah Harbor Deepening Issue
  • Participated as an active member of the Stakeholder Evaluation Group (SEG) established by the Georgia Ports Authority to evaluate the environmental impacts of the project, determine the means for mitigating them, and assess the degree of risk that is acceptable under the conditions of uncertainty inherent in this type of project. Published several editorial pieces on the issue.

    Water Quality
  • In collaboration with the Georgia Public Interest research Group, wrote and published a commentary piece in the Savannah Morning News on water quality issues in Georgia, focusing on problems in coastal waters and their economic importance.
  • Prepared and submitted comments to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Environmental Protection Division (EPD) regarding the '303(d) list' that EPD is required to prepare under the federal Clean Water Act. This list includes all those Georgia waters that EPD has determined to be falling short of federal standards for their designated uses. Of particular concern was the apparent shift away from monitoring criteria that include toxic chemicals harmful to fish and humans who consume them -- an issue of obvious importance to the coastal region.
  • Participated in a series of workshops on groundwater hosted by the Georgia EPD and the U.S. Geological Survey, making comments about the importance of using available science by consistently applying it in public policy, especially when there are significant risks to public health and resources.
  • In response to a request from an Atlanta-based environmental law firm, provided a critique on the status of enforcement of non-point source pollution laws in Georgia.
  • Initiated action alert communications on numerous coastal issues, distributing by fax, mail, and e-mail to generate support for environmentally-informed positions on legislation and proposed projects.
  • Continued work on the McIntosh County SEED project as a member of the steering committee and of two working assessment groups, one on economic development, and on the community.
  • Center staff continued serving on the board of the McIntosh County Chamber of Commerce.
  • Staff enrolled and participated in the Georgia Academy for Economic Development, a training series organized by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs..
  • Staff involved in local water resource planning as a member of the McIntosh County Water Planning Committee.
  • Retained the services of an experienced legislative advocate to represent the Center's interests in the Georgia General Assembly and maintained ongoing communication with this advcocate.
    1997 - 1998
  • Hosted a legislative briefing session on coastal environmental issues for a newly elected coastal General Assembly senator.
  • Sponsored two pre-primary candidate forums in June 1998 (one in Savannah and one in Brunswick) for those running for seats as coastal delegates of the Georgia General Assembly. Prepared detailed questions about environmental issues and regulatory procedures, serving as moderator for the events.
  • Spoke to local groups about the Heritage Fund referendum to advocate voter support. Prepared and disseminated promotional materials supporting the Heritage Fund at a regional wildlife festival. This included handing out beverage cups with labels advocating support of Amendment 1 (September 1998).
  • Prepared and presented a package of legislative proposals for consideration by the General Assembly at two public legislative forums on regional environmental issues held in April 1998 (sponsored by the Coastal Environmental Organization of Georgia).
  • Prepared and presented comments on toxic releases in the Savannah River at a press conference in Savannah sponsored by the Public Interest Research Group (PIRG, Atlanta office). The August 1998 press conference was held on the occasion of PIRG's release of "Troubled Waters," their national report on the discharge of toxins in the nation's waterways.
  • At the request of the Georgia Waterman's Association, participated as a member of the statewide CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operations) Stakeholders Advisory Group.
  • Directed Center counsel Hal Wright to file actions with the Savannah District Corps of Engineers in response to the approval of the berthing of an ocean-going ship at a small harbor marina in Chatham County (June 1998).
  • Worked with McIntosh County Chamber of Commerce, Esther Project, and The Nature Conservancy (Altamaha Bioreserve) to initiate McIntosh SEED (Sustainable Environment Economic Development), a community-based effort to develop a workable plan for environmentally compatible job creation in this rural coastal community (1998).
  • Conducted opinion survey on environmental issues, conditions and alternative solutions (June 1997).

    Water Resources Research and Protection


  • Assisted the Georgia Waterman's Association in establishing the Altamaha Riverkeeper, a new non-profit corporation dedicated to protecting and restoring the resources of the Altamaha system, including its three tributaries - the Ocmulgee, Oconee, and Ohoopee river -- encompassing a watershed of over 14,000 square miles. Prepared two grant applications (securing $20,000 from The Sapelo Foundation), filed articles of incorporation, and drafted by-laws for the new organization.
  • Hosted two certified water sampling training sessions sponsored by the Altamaha Riverkeeper and the Georgia Adopt-a-Stream program.

    1997 - 1998

  • Directed Center counsel Wright to conduct legal research related to the federal requirements for environmental protection administered by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division as these apply to state permitting and enforcement activities affecting coastal rivers, estuaries, and wetlands.
  • Served as a member of the Glynn County water management advisory committee, reviewing and commenting on the development of a long-range county water management plan. Drafted written comments for consideration by the consulting engineers in redrafting the plan.
  • Organized and actively participated in an informal consortium of coastal environmental organizations and activists, known as the Coastal Water Resources Working Group (April 1997 - May 1998).
  • Prepared and presented a position statement on water resource issues at a public forum held in Savannah sponsored by General Assembly Representative Anne Mueller (August 1998).
  • Formulated and presented positions on water withdrawal permit applications for the Altamaha, Ogeechee, and Savannah Rivers submitted by The Savannah Group (TSG); involved identification and analysis of environmental issues, local land development consequences, and economic feasibility related to the proposed water withdrawal activities (June 1997 - present).
  • Assisted in drafting and reviewing state legislation on water resource protection and research; prepared and distributed summaries of these proposals to coastal legislators and environmental advocates (1998 General Assembly session). Submitted written summary for publication in The Darien News.
  • Testified before the General Assembly's Senate Natural Resources Committee on a proposed bill related to coastal water resources and fisheries (Subcommittee on Environment, February 1998).
  • Drafted articles for publication in the Darien News on assessing permitting issues of TSG in the Altamaha River and proposed legislation related to water resources (February 1998).
  • Drafted extensive comments on coastal water resource issues for consideration by the staff of the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD). The comments were prepared in response to a survey conducted by EPD on the occasion of signing the biennial contract with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Sent copies of the comments to a wide range of coastal environmental research scientists and statewide environmental organizations (September 1998).
  • Gathered and disseminated information on water resource protection programs and assessment published by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) for use by members of the statewide CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operations) Stakeholders Advisory Group as well as the Center board of directors and advisory committee.

    Organizational Development


  • Hosted an open house at new Center office facility in Darien.
  • Prepared and distributed state legislative update for Center members and donors.
  • Held well-attended board meeting at Darien office to address a variety of resource and administrative issues.

    1997 - 1998

  • Launched the Center's newsletter, Works in Progress; produced and distributed three seasonal editions by mail and at on-site exhibits, beginning in the fall of 1997. Articles covered a wide array of coastal issues and Center activities, highlighting the economic importance of the region's natural resources.
  • Initiated a contract for legal services with Hal Wright to serve as counsel to the Center.
  • Secured over $3,000 in contributions from supporters, primarily coastal residents.
  • Provided orientation information about the Center and its mission in an interview with a staff member of The Brunswick News; an article was then published based on this interview.
  • Participated in CoastFest, as annual regional coastal environment event hosted by the Coastal Resources Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and in Earth Day events in Savannah and on St. Simons Island. Distributed and explained orientation materials about sustainable development and the Center's role in promoting sustainability (1997 - 1998).
  • Developed a proposal to increase citizen advocacy by securing 500 new members per year for four years; currently seeking funds to initiate this membership development (October 1998).
  • Made oral presentations to several local organizations about the Center's mission and environmental issues. Groups spoken to included the St. Simons Optimists¹ Club, the McIntosh County Rotary Club, the Glynn Environmental Coalition, and the south coast chapter of the Wilderness Society.
  • Prepared and disseminated over 1400 mailouts (quarterly newsletters and membership letters) to individuals and organizations throughout the state, soliciting contributions and memberships (August - October 1998). Generated over $3,000 in contributions and developed an extensive mailing list.

    Coastal Georgia Greenway & Nature-Based Tourism


  • Assisted the project manager in organizing local meetings and soliciting committment of matching funds from five coastal counties toward additional grants for Greenway demonstration projects.
  • Reviewed and refined bookkeeping records for documenting expenses and billing for the project.
  • Filed for transfer of funds from the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) for the Greenway.
  • Prepared and disseminated press releases about the Coastal Georgia Greenway and the role of the Center as the lead organization implementing the project.


  • Prepared and distributed an assessment of the Greenway's projected economic benefits and payoff.
  • Sponsored and participated in several county meetings intended to organize local support for the Coastal Georgia Greenway. The Center has received and is administering an EPA grant to begin implementing the project.
  • Reviewed and edited public information materials prepared by the project manager, who is working under contract with the Center.
  • Made presentations on the Coastal Georgia Greenway at the first meeting of the South Georgia Nature-Based Tourism Association and at the 1998 annual statewide conference of the Georgia Planning Association.
  • Compiled a list of tourism data and management reference materials for use by the South Georgia Nature-Based Tourism Association and forwarded these to members of that group.

    Coastal Fisheries Evaluation, Habitat Research, and Protection


  • Prepared tabular presentation of blue crab landings data and assessment for the period 1958 - 1998.
  • Drafted analysis of the economic value of fisheries and nature-based business for use in comments on state legislation, water resource issues, and proposed development projects.
  • Drafted and distributed a proposal for General Assembly support of habitat research funding.

    1997 - 1998

  • Organized and sponsored a regional marine fisheries workshop with participation by representatives of all Georgia marine research institutions and commercial fishing organizations; prepared and disseminated workshop findings, including the group's precautionary consensus position on surface water withdrawal permitting, which was also filed with the Georgia Environmental Protection Division.
  • As a participant in the Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) stakeholders advisory group (established by the Environmental Protection Division (EPD) of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources), documented and circulated estimates of the economic contribution of commercial and recreational fishing in the region in a memo to group members. Similar material was also used in documenting the potential economic costs of the Savannah harbor and channel deepening project.
  • Presented an exhibit on coastal Georgia fisheries issues and water resources permitting at the 1998 Southeast Coastal Ocean Research Conference (SECOR) in Savannah.
  • Participated in a multi-agency workshop on Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials (NEMO), a national program for promoting enhanced land-use planning and decision-making to improve water quality through reduced non-point source pollution (January 1998).
  • Presented a statement on coastal Georgia fisheries and threats to these resources at a public hearing held by the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council on Essential Fish Habitat (July 1998).

    Savannah Harbor and Channel Deepening


  • Attended a meeting of the Stakeholders Evaluation Group (SEG) established by the Georgia Ports Authority as part of GPA's efforts to solicit comments on specific environmental impacts.
  • Drafted letters and talking points in oppposition to state budget item for the Georgia Ports Authority in the amount of $10.8 million to be used for further study and design for the harbor project.


  • Reviewed and commented extensively on the Savannah harbor deepening project being promoted by the Georgia Ports Authority. Based comments on the economic value of natural resources likely to be adversely affected by the proposed project. A summary of this assessment was published in the Savannah Morning News as a letter to the editor. (June - September 1998)
  • Analyzed and disseminated materials gathered by members of the Coastal Group Sierra Club on actions related to the proposed Savannah harbor project, including correspondence between the Georgia Ports Authority, the Department of Army, and Congress as well as legislative language for project authorization. Discussed this information extensively with staff of the Southern Environmental Law Center and participated in a conference call to establish a strategy attempting to influence the language used in the House version of this measure (September - October 1998).
  • Prepared and submitted comments on the project's Tier I Final EIS and Feasibility Report, also working in collaboration with the Southern Environmental Law Center (October 1998).
  • Drafted and circulated an analysis of positions and proposals of the Georgia Ports Authority for consideration by various local and statewide environmental organizations (October 1998).

    2. Administration & Organizational Set-Up

  • Incorporated and registered with Georgia Secretary of State as non-profit corporation.
  • Filed for and received a 501(c)(3) IRS designation for the Center.
  • Drafted and adopted by-laws.
  • Established board of directors (currently 8 members), including representatives of commercial fishing interests, marine research scientists, and environmental professionals.
  • Board elected officers and met 10 times in 15 months.
  • Filed annual tax return, submitted quarterly taxes and social security, and Medicare payments.
  • Established an advisory committee to assist the board in policy analysis and organizational development.
  • Retained the services of a Certified Public Account to maintain financial records according to federal auditing requirements.
  • Assisted the Altmaha Riverkeeper in administration and set-up: prepared two grant applications, securing $20,000 from The Sapelo Foundation and applying for $37,500 in funding from the Georgia Coastal Management Program, filed articles of incorporation, and drafted by-laws.

    3. Grants Applications & Inquiries


  • Submitted project proposals and pre-proposals to the Moriah Fund, the Beneficia Foundation, the Nathan Cummings Foundation, the Wallace Global Fund, and the Merck Fund.
  • Submitted grant proposal for general operating support to the Sapelo Foundation

    1997 - 1998

  • The Sapelo Foundation (3 grants) - May & December 1997; May 1998.
  • Application filed with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for demonstration segments of the Coastal Georgia Greenway - August 1998 (awarded in September 1998).
  • Inquiry about funding sent to the Public Welfare Foundation; advised to defer application (1997).
  • The Turner Foundation (2 applications; 2nd awarded for $15,000)- June & December 1997.
  • Merck Family Fund (proposal requested but not funded) - November 1997.
  • Prepared a funding proposal for the Coastal Resources Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources to conduct water quality assessment research on the lower Altamaha River; not funded in the first cycle - April 1998.
  • Application filed with Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation - February 1998 (not funded).
  • Based on involvement in the NEMO (Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials) workshop, developed an application to the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) for funding to support the project, Assessment of Land-Based Activities Affecting Essential Fish Habitat in Georgia - May 1998 (to be announced).
  • Compton Foundation (submitted, October 1998) - education and public outreach related to the application of findings generated by the proposed Assessment of Land-Based Activities Affecting Essential Fish Habitat in Georgia.
  • Savannah Presbytery Greenway grant for project administration ($10,000 -- to be announced.)
  • Secured Coastal Management funding provided by the Coastal Resources Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources through Georgia Southern University (GSU) for the preparation of a Coastal Environmental Handbook. The document will provide guidance on environmental regulations.
  • Prepared a grant proposal on behalf of the Waterman's Association to establish a riverkeeper program for the Altamaha River and submitted it to the Sapelo Foundation. Also prepared a matching grant proposal for the same project, submitting it to the Fish and Wildlife Foundation - September 1998.
  • Submitted proposals and pre-proposals to Surdna Foundation, Scherman Foundation, Compton Foundation, Coastal Zone Management Program, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Fish & Wildlife Foundaiton, and the Educational Foundation of America.

    4. Media Outreach

  • Articles published in Golden Isles Weekend (Glynn County):

    - EPA Awards Greenway Grant (August 1998)
    - Center for Sustainable Development Files Suit Against Corps of Engineers (August 1998)
    - Pre-Primary Candidates Forum (June 1998)
    - Regional Non-Profit Organization Established to Promote Sustainable Development (July 1997)

  • Articles published in Connect Savannah (Chatham County):

    - Suite may present new snag for gambling vessel (September 23, 1998)
    - Stronger pollution reporting being sought (August 11, 1998)
    - Candidates tackle growth management at forum (June 16, 1998)
    - Environmentalist backs story on Bull River (February 1998, letter to the editor)
    - Making Savannah a mega-port is a pipe dream (September 1998, letter to the editor)
    - Greenway will link entire East Coast (October 11, 1998)
    - Fisheries are a key part of coastal economy (February 15, 1999)

  • Article in the Harbor Sound (Glynn County): - What does 'sustainable' mean in our coastal development? (May 12, 1998)

  • Articles in The Brunswick News (Glynn County):

    - Project on Georgia Coast Win National Design Award (March 20, 1998)
    - Candidates Address Environmental Issues (June 18, 1998)
    - Responsible Growth Goal of [Sustainable Development] Center (December 1997)
    - Residents United for Planning and Action (RUPA) Hears from Coastal Development Center Founder (October 30, 1997)
    - Sustainable Development Center to Hold Open House (January 1999)

  • Articles from the Darien News (McIntosh County): - Coastal environmental groups will host pre-primary Candidates' Forums (June 11, 1998)
    - The Time is Now (February 26, 1998, editorial)
    - Legislation for strengthening of public interest in state's water resources considered (February 1998)
    - Coastal Georgia Center to host open house (January 1999)
    - Altamaha Riverkeeper organization begins work to protect unique river (February 1999)

  • Article from Connect Savannah (Chatham County):

    - Elegant, but out of place? (September 1998)

    5. Position Papers, Reports, and Summaries

    - Fisheries & Water Resource Permit Issues in the Lower Altamaha and Other Coastal Georgia Rivers (Exhibit at the1998 conference on Southeast Coastal Ocean Research - SECOR)
    - Presentation on Coastal Georgia Water Resource Issues - public meeting on withdrawal permit issues related to The Savannah Group (TSG) in Chatham County (August, 1998)
    - Coastal Center Concerned About Toxic Report & the Savannah River (presentation for press conference of the Public Interest Research Group on their report Troubled Waters, August 1998)
    - Facts, Conditions, and Trends: Essential Fish Habitat & Related Coastal Georgia Resources (July, 1998)
    - Position Statement on the TSG Permit for the Altamaha River (public meeting, March 1998)
    - Proposed Resolution for Establishing a Surface Water Legislative Study Committee (1998)
    - Summary of the Coastal Georgia Greenway project, awards, and grants (1998)
    - Economic Benefits of the Coastal Georgia Greenway - projected revenues and costs (1998)
    - Summary: Proposed Legislative Provisions for Water Permitting and Related Environmental Laws (1998)
    - Water Resource Issues in Glynn County (presentation to the Glynn Environmental Coalition, 1997)
    - Beneath the Surface and Beyond the Obvious: Resource Mismanagement in Coastal Georgia
      (special report for the Glynn Environmental Coalition,1997)
    - Why TSG as a Water Wholesaler is Unlike a Typical Permit Applicant (1997)
    - Unanswered Questions about the Proposed Water withdrawal by TSG from the Altamaha River in Glynn County (1997)
    - Development Implications of the TSG Permit for Water Withdrawal from the Altamaha River in Glynn County (1997)
    - Economic Assessment of the TSG Permit for Water Withdrawal from the Altamaha River in Glynn County (1997)
    - Presentation Notes on Sustainable Targets and Thresholds (1997)
    - Aspects of Risk in Environmental Management (1997)
    - Lessons from the Underground: Planning as Risk Management (1997)
    - Summary Report of the Fisheries Research Workshop (November 1997)
    - Ten Distinctions Between Sustainable Development & Conventional Practices (1997)
    - How We Can Improve Our Community Using Sustainable Development Practices (1997)
    - Sustainable Development Orientation (1997)

  • What is Sustainable Development?
  • What is Needed to Achieve Sustainable Development
  • Examples of Sustainable Development Practices
  • - Economic Benefits of Ecotourism in Coastal Georgia (1997)
    - Presentation on Water Resource Issues
    - Unprecedented Proposal Raises Troubling Questions (press release on TSG, 1997)
    - Statement of Support for the Georgia Coastal Management Program (1997)
    - Advising Local Elected Officials in Water Resources Issues: Speaking Truth to Power (presentation at the1997 Georgia Water Resources Conference, University of Georgia, Athens)
    - Summary of Proposed Groundwater Research; Estimated Cost and Funding Sources (1997)
  • ^ Top