Events / Media Center
All Center documents are © 2023 Center For A Sustainable Coast.
Please reference our organization when you use our documents. Please notify us when you use our
information in your publication.
Contact for all items below:
David Kyler, Executive Director
Mobile: 912.689.4471
Email: susdev@gate.net
Savannah Forum Addressed Climate-Change, Clean Energy
and Federal Support for Urgently Needed Improvements
, October 20, 2022 Press Release
Posted 11.18.22
The Center for a Sustainable Coast is celebrating our 20th year of defending Georgia's coast
, Saturday, May 20, 2017 at noon.
....more 6.14.17
Hands Across the Sand Coming to Tybee on May 20th
, Saturday, May 20, 2017 at noon.
....more 5.16.17
Climate-Change and the Future of Coastal Georgia
, Friday, November 11, 5 - 7 p.m.
Coastal Center, Fahm Street, Savannah; You are invited to view the award-winning documentary film, "Wisdom to Survive" that examines global climate change,
its causes and consequences. To prevent the worst impacts of ongoing climate disruption, vital reforms are called for in compelling statements made by renowned climate scientists and policy experts.
....more 9.22.16
EPA holds LCP site cleanup hearing
, The Islander, Dec. 8, 2014: Thirty-four years, four months,
and four days after the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) became aware of the LCP Chemicals Site, the EPA came to town last Thursday to hold a Public Hearing....more 12.20.14
- Center disputes claims for $700 million Savannah port project. 12.3.14
- Forum on Media & Georgia’s Environment 11.22.14
- Oct. 22, 2014 AJC Editorial on the Proposed EPA Water Rule by David Kyler, Executive Director Center for a Sustainable Coast
- Press Release
August 18, 2014;
Center opposes proposed leasing for offshore oil and gas in the Southeast by Center executive director David Kyler. 8.19.14
- Press Release - Center Co-Hosts Tybee Event Helping Climate with Responsible Energy
Scores gather at "Hands Across the Sand" event on Tybee Island beach to Say "Yes" to Clean Energy.....more 5.21.14
Press Release May 8, 2014: Coastal Advisory Council takes steps to restore marsh buffer. 5.8.14
Press Release April 23, 2014: Stunning reversal of Georgia policy threatens coastal marshes 4.25.14
- "Port project squanders millions"
Guest Editorial by David Kyler, executive director of the Center for a Sustainable Coast, published in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. 12.28.13
- Jekyll Westin Hotel -AJC Op-Ed - September 2013
Press Release: Sea level projections likely too low, to be worse than predicted According to the Center's executive director, David Kyler, sea level will rise significantly more than
previously predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)....more. 4.15.13
- Clean Options Merit Breaks, Too -AJC Guest Column - March 2013
- Center Hosts Forum on the Future of Solar Power in Georgia
On December 1, about fifty people came to the Coastal Georgia Center in Savannah to learn about the impressive
opportunities for using solar energy in Georgia. This forum was the latest in a series of public policy discussions hosted by
the Center to advocate a sustainable future.....more 12.11.12
- Center Honored at Savannah Bookstore Event
On Saturday evening, November 17, the Book Lady Bookstore on Liberty Street in Savannah
was packed with enthusiastic lovers of coastal Georgia's environment and artwork that's
inspired by it....more 12.5.12
Center comments on reservoirs and water mismanagement in Georgia, published in the AJC as a guest column - August 17, 2012 11.18.12
- Center legal action defends the public
The Brunswick News
11/15/2012 -
Appeals court sends back shore lawsuit By MICHAEL HALL: A lawsuit filed against the Georgia Department of Natural Resources
is being sent back to Glynn County Superior Court by the Court of Appeals of Georgia.
The suit, filed by the Center for a Sustainable Coast, seeks a declarative judgment and
injunctive relief from the DNR's practice of issuing letters of permission as a means to
approve, without a permit, activities the center claims violate the Shore Assistance Act.
"It is a very strange sort of secretive practice that has been going on," said Jenny Culler,
the attorney representing the center. She said the letters allowed for everything from the
renovation of buildings to the construction of the set for "X-Men: First Class" on Jekyll Island.
To obtain a permit, applicants must adhere to a myriad of requirements and be approved by a Shore Assistance Committee,
composed of the DNR Commissioner and four others. According to the appeals decision written by Chief Judge John Ellington,
the case was sent back to Superior Court because the center's claim for injunctive relief was valid. Culler said no date has been set for further action.
- Southern Environmental Law Center comments on behalf of the Center and other groups in criticizing the Savannah harbor eepening denial
environmental review.
- Our attitude toward the environment -- June 7, 2012, by AJC Opinion
Guest Columnist DAVID KYLER, executive director of the Center for a Sustainable Coast.
Bad choices hurt potential: Contrary to what our leaders would have tax-paying citizens believe, Georgia's competitive economic standing is declining, not benefiting, from dominant state policies and priorities....more. 6.15.12
- "Robin Hood in Reverse: Consumers Bailing Out Georgia Power Stockholders" - Published AJC 4.3.12. As outrageous as it is, most Georgians evidently don't understand ...more. By Guest Columnist DAVID KYLER, executive director of the Center for a Sustainable Coast. 4.12.12
- "Savannah Harbor Deepening" - Published AJC 3.9.12. Funding project is premature, fiscally irresponsible...more. By Guest Columnist DAVID KYLER, executive director of the Center for a Sustainable Coast. 3.28.12
- "Deepening denial"
op-ed published in Connect Savannah,
By Guest Columnist David Kyler, executive director of the Center for a Sustainable Coast. 11.26.11
- "A multi-state regional approach is necessary to wisely invest in our ports"
Posted in Saporta Report Guest Columns - Saporta Report is a public policy-oriented website that focuses on issues impacting the Atlanta region and our state -
Date: November 6th, 2011, 11:55 pm
By Guest Columnist DAVID KYLER, executive director of the Center for a Sustainable Coast in Saint Simons Island. ... more 11.7.11
- Pork-Barrel vs. Wise Spending in the Savannah Harbor Project" -
There's enough misinformation circulating about the proposed Savannah harbor deepening project to make a Greek bank-loan look solid by comparison. ... more 10.12.11
On November 5, 2011 the Georgia Water Coalition, Georgia's leading water protection group, named its "Dirty Dozen" for 2011, exposing the worst offenses to Georgia's water.
As an organizational member of the Coalition, the Center nominated two of these Dirty Dozen threats to state waters: the proposed Savannah harbor deepening and ongoing mishandling of coastal dock permitting.
These nominations can be seen at
Savannah River and
Coastal Wetlands.
The Georgia Water Coalition, a consortium of more than 180 conservation and environmental organizations, hunting and fishing groups, businesses, and faith-based organizations representing more than 300,000 Georgians,
announced the list at a celebration marking the Coalition's 10th year of advocating for clean water. The Coalition press release, the Dirty Dozen Report, and Fact Sheets for each threat can be found at:
"Dirty Dozen" 11.10.11
- Jekyll Project Dodges Public Review In late October, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources approved a temporary but significant disruption of a 4.5 acre site
along the ocean shore at Jekyll Island State Park without issuing a permit, as required by the state Shore Protection Act...
Atlanta Journal Constitution December 23, 2010 by David Kyler, Executive Director, Center for a Sustainable Coast ... more 1.28.11